Wednesday, March 16, 2022

War is Never Over

It is disturbing to see what Russia is doing to the Ukraine - war is never good. Will we get involved with our military? Who knows?

Naive me - thought this kind of crap from Russia was over. Guess I was wrong.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Happy New Year! (...a bit late)

2022 - It will be an interesting year. It already is. I am semi-retired. Done with the "professional" world and biding my time until Steve retires by working retail. Kind of a blast from the past, as that's where I started - first working for my father at his store; then "professional" jobs after college; now semi-retired and working retail as a store door greeter.

Couldn't have picked a better job - all my coworkers are excellent people and very friendly. Enjoy greeting people. Can still freelance write if  I so desire - and I do. Starting here.

I still will be focusing on writing about the news media, but there will also be more of "me."

Stay tuned! Feel free to reach out and let me know of topics you'd like me to address!