Tuesday, November 10, 2020

And It Didn't Let Me Down!

I am talking the 2020 presidential election. It was a nail biter -- that is for sure. And there is a clear winner, as well as a new president - Joe Biden. 

As I have mentioned in previous posts, election night was a reporter's dream, as well as a reporter's nightmare. For those covering the White House race this year, it has to be that as well. A defeated incumbent who won't admit defeat -- even though it's staring him in the face.

Oh wait...it wasn't a nightmare. It made for a lot of news coverage on the part of these reporters. Still does, and likely will, to the end of the year.

Why? Oh yeah, the incumbent still has not declared defeat -- even though it's obvious to all that he lost.

I guess the U.S. government is going to have to form a Department of Presidential Eviction. And soon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My Favorite Time of Year

And no, I don't mean Christmas (though that's up there). When I was a professional journalist, my favorite time was election time -- didn't matter if it was local, state or national elections. 

It meant pulling an all-nighter on election night (particularly in a presidential election) and watching emotions fly. And fly they did. Not only interviewing the politicians (both those who won and those who didn't), but talking to voters and constituents as well.

Covering the campaigns themselves was also a gift and also meant watching emotions fly.

No, it wasn't Christmas -- but to a journalist, it sure felt like it. Still fun to watch from the sidelines.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Belated Happy New Year. If the first month is any indication, it will be an interesting year. Will we have a new president this time next year? What about Congress? Well, that news starts next month with the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary.